Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 16, 2014

Hello all...its been a very tough week, so I'm just trying to give everyone a brief update... On Monday, Ken suffered a seizure while at Masonicare, and was brought via ambulance to the ER. We spent most of the day there, where he was treated and released back to Masonicare. Later that night, he was having trouble swallowing his medications, etc and trouble breathing, so he was again transported to the ER around midnight. He ended up being admitted with asperation pneumonia, and was put in the "step down" unit (which is a notch below ICU). He is recieving IV antibiotics for the pneumonia, as well as iv fluids, etc. He stablized and was moved into a regular room on Thurs night. Although he is technically stable, the overall picture has declined significantly. Ken's ability to swallow is significantly impaired, and he is really no longer able to eat or drink. He going to remain here at the hospital on "comfort measures" which is basically the hospital's equivalent of Hospice. I am deferring inquiries for status updates to my friend Sally, who can be reached via phone/text at (203) 994-3668 or email at Thanks everyone & "much love" to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you and Kenny and the kids from way too far away. Hugs to you my freind
