Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekly update

Ken is having a really terrible time with the side effects of the clinical trial. I hate to say it, but this week was actually worse than last! Wednesday's blood test showed that his platelets had dropped from 117 to 77. He lost an additional 7 pounds this week, for a total of 19 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks. He continues to have several "wicked" mouth ulcers, plus one especially evil ulcer in his throat, which have made it very difficult for him to eat or drink. So add dehydration to the list, which also increased his pulse. The doctors are afraid that the ulcers may continue down into his GI tract. In light of all of this, they have suggested he take a break from chemo this week. They were able to administer IV fluids, and prescribed him a steroid mouth wash. Oh, and some medicine for the worsening rash on his back. He has to return on Monday to see a specialist about the mouth ulcers, then again on Tuesday to see a GI specialist. Then they called us twice on the train ride home...once to let us know his liver function had decreased...and again to tell me that if he gets worse this weekend I should take him to the ER. I almost wish they had just admitted him, rather than leaving us to fend for ourselves over the weekend! On a happier note, the doctor actually said to Ken "your wife is just SO GREAT"... I am sure I will be reminding him of this on several occasions in the near future!!! I am really hoping that taking a break from the chemo will allow him to improve significantly in the next few days!

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