Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2, 2014

Hello, everyone! I guess I haven't posted in a while...thankfully, there really hasn't been much news to post! Ken turned 50 last week! Unfortunately, the day before his birthday, as he was walking the kids out to the bus, he fell on the ice and ended up with 21 staples in his head. Nothing like a head injury to celebrate a milestone!! We were able to have some fun anyway...two of his brothers made a surprise visit for the weekend, and Ken celebrated his 50th surrounded by friends and family and ended up having a wonderful weekend. This past Friday, he had an his bi-monthly MRI & Dr. visit at Sloan-Kettering. The MRI showed no visible signs of tumor growth. He has undergone 6 infusions of BCNU (in addition to bi-weekly Avastin infusions), which seems to be taking a bit of a toll on him as far as side effects. While the tumor seems to be responding to the treatments, the toxicity also seems to increase with each treatment, leaving him more and more nauseous and exhausted for longer periods of time. With that in mind, Ken is going to see a couple of specialists (in hopes of alleviating some of his symptoms) and then follow up with his doctor prior to the next treatment, and may possibly need to take a break from the BCNU. Thank you all for all of your love & support over the past few months!

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how excited my son, David (47), was to see your series on Ken's struggles with his brain tumor. David was also diagnosed with a brain tumor recently and had his first surgery on 4/3/2014. It turned out that he did not have a brain tumor, but has demyelination, a condition that may turn out to be Multiple Sclerosis or another form detachment of the sheath that covers the brain. The inflamed part of this sheath was removed, and he is now in recovery. Your posts got him ready for the very invasive treatments that Ken is going through, and they were much appreciated. Now he is faced with other treatments, but no chemo. and no radiation. We all wish you and Ken the best of luck, and you will be in our prayers as we watch his progress. Thanks so much.

    Roger & Anne (David's parents)
