Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day two

Ken is feeling much better overall this morning. The occupational therapists have not yet been in to officially get him up and walking, but he's "snuck in" a few steps already. He's officially declared his boredom and his extreme dislike of the hospital bed, the food, and basically all things associated with the hospital. So he's ready to go home! Hopefully he will be released tomorrow.


  1. Can the patient have eggshell less St. Paddy day cheesecake? Or is he not ready for such rich foods perhaps?

  2. Coach Kenny and Jen,
    We're thinking of you and lots of prayers and big hugs go out to you!!! I'm sending a photo to your e-mail of Coach Kenny picking kids up to make baskets! It doesn't surprise me that he snuck in those one can slow him down!!! Praying for amazingly great healing!
    Love, Fran and Stephen

  3. He's impatient and complaining...definitely back to his ol' self. No need for the drs to run anymore tests, Jen has the correct diagnosis. Doesn't seem like the "filter" has kicked in yet. For your sake, Saint Jen, I hope you see results soon. I'm glad he is almost ready to come home! I'm sure the kids miss him! Give him our love and congrats :)
